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Build a Responsive and User-Friendly Download Progress Bar in Angular

How to Download a Progress Bar in Angular

A progress bar is a graphical indicator that shows how much of a task or operation has been completed. It is useful for providing feedback and motivation to the users, especially when they have to wait for something to finish. For example, you might want to show a progress bar when your users are downloading a file from your web application.

Angular is a popular framework for building mobile and desktop web applications. It provides a component-based architecture, data binding, dependency injection, routing, forms, testing, and more. It also supports TypeScript, which is a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing and other features.

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In this article, you will learn how to download a progress bar in Angular using three different methods: using a link, using HttpClient, and using progress events. You will also learn about the pros and cons of each method, and some tips and best practices for using progress bars in Angular applications.

Downloading a Progress Bar with a Link

A simple way to download a progress bar in Angular is to use an anchor tag with the href and download attributes. The href attribute specifies the URL of the file that you want to download, and the download attribute tells the browser that it should not follow the link but rather download the file. You can also set the value of the download attribute to change the name of the file being downloaded.

For example, you can use the following HTML code to create a link that downloads a progress bar:

<a href="/downloads/" download=""></a>

You can also bind any of these attributes dynamically with Angular using square brackets. For example, you can use the following code to set the URL and filename based on some properties in your component:

<a [href]="download.url" [download]="download.filename"> download.filename </a>

However, this method has some limitations. First, not all browsers support the download attribute, especially older ones like Internet Explorer. For those browsers, you can use the target attribute with the value "_blank" to open the download in a new browser tab. But make sure to also include rel="noopener noreferrer" when you use target="_blank" to prevent security vulnerabilities.

<a [href]="download.url" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> download.filename </a>

Second, the filename for your download depends on the HTTP header Content-Disposition sent by the server. If the server does not send this header, or sends a different filename, you cannot override it with the download attribute. For example, if the server sends Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="", the browser will ignore the download attribute and save the file as

Third, this method does not allow you to show a progress bar while the download is happening. The browser will handle the download process and show its own progress indicator, which may vary depending on the browser and platform. You have no control over how the progress is displayed or updated.

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Therefore, this method is suitable for simple and quick downloads that do not require much customization or feedback. It is also easy to implement and does not require any additional code or libraries.

Downloading a Progress Bar with HttpClient

A more advanced way to download a progress bar in Angular is to use the HttpClient service to perform a GET request with responseType blob. The HttpClient service is a wrapper around the native XMLHttpRequest object that provides a convenient way to make HTTP requests and handle responses in Angular. The responseType blob tells the service that the response should be treated as a binary large object (blob), which is a generic representation of any file-like data.

To use the HttpClient service, you need to import it from @angular/common/http and inject it into your component constructor. Then, you can use the get method to make a GET request to the URL of the file that you want to download. You also need to pass an object with responseType blob as the second argument. This will return an observable that emits a blob object when the request is complete.

For example, you can use the following code to make a GET request with responseType blob:

import HttpClient from '@angular/common/http'; constructor(private http: HttpClient) downloadFile(url: string) return this.http.get(url, responseType: 'blob' );

To subscribe to the observable and save the file as a blob, you need to use the saveAs function from FileSaver.js library. FileSaver.js is a library that implements the HTML5 saveAs() function in browsers that do not support it natively. It allows you to save files on the client-side without using server-side scripts or Flash.

To use FileSaver.js, you need to install it with npm and import it in your component. Then, you can use the saveAs function to save the blob object as a file with a given name. You can also pass an optional object with some options such as type and autoBom.

For example, you can use the following code to subscribe to the observable and save the file as a blob:

import saveAs from 'file-saver'; downloadFile(url: string) this.http.get(url, responseType: 'blob' ).subscribe(blob => saveAs(blob, '', type: 'application/zip', autoBom: true ); );

This method has some advantages over the previous one. First, it gives you more control over how to name and save the file being downloaded. You can also set some options such as type and autoBom to ensure compatibility and correctness of the file format.

Second, it allows you to show a progress bar while the download is happening. You can use the reportProgress option to get progress events from HttpClient, which will be discussed in the next section.

However, this method also has some drawbacks. First, it requires an additional library (FileSaver.js) to work properly in all browsers. This adds some extra dependencies and complexity to your project.

Second, it may not work well for large files or slow connections. Since you are downloading the entire file as a blob in memory before saving it, you may run into memory or performance issues if the file is too big or takes too long to download.

Therefore, this method is suitable for more complex and customized downloads that require more control and feedback. It is also more reliable and consistent than using a link with download attribute.

Downloading a Progress Bar with Progress Events

A final way to download a progress bar in Angular is to use the reportProgress option to get progress events from HttpClient. The reportProgress option is a boolean flag that tells HttpClient whether to emit progress events during an HTTP request. By default, it is set to false, which means no progress events are emitted.

To use the reportProgress option, you need to pass an object with reportProgress true as the second argument to the get method. This will return an observable that emits HttpEvent objects, which can be of different types such as HttpSentEvent, HttpHeaderResponse, HttpDownloadProgressEvent, HttpResponse, etc. You can use the map and filter operators to extract the progress percentage from the HttpDownloadProgressEvent objects.

For example, you can use the following code to make a GET request with reportProgress true and get the progress percentage:

import map, filter from 'rxjs/operators'; downloadFile(url: string) return this.http.get(url, responseType: 'blob', reportProgress: true ).pipe( filter(event => event.type === HttpEventType.DownloadProgress), map(event => Math.round((event.loaded / * 100)) );

To display the progress percentage in the template, you can use interpolation with a variable that stores the current progress value. You can also use a progress element or a div element with some CSS styles to create a visual progress bar.

For example, you can use the following code to display the progress percentage in the template:

<div > <div [style.width]="progress + '%'"></div> </div> <p> progress %</p>

This method has some benefits over the previous ones. First, it allows you to show a progress bar while the download is happening without downloading the entire file as a blob in memory. This can improve the performance and memory efficiency of your application.

Second, it gives you more flexibility and control over how to display and update the progress bar. You can use any HTML element or CSS style to create a custom progress bar that suits your design and functionality.

However, this method also has some challenges. First, it requires more code and logic to handle the different types of HttpEvent objects and extract the progress percentage from them. You also need to handle the final HttpResponse object separately and save it as a file using FileSaver.js as before.

import saveAs from 'file-saver'; downloadFile(url: string) this.http.get(url, responseType: 'blob', reportProgress: true ).subscribe(event => if (event.type === HttpEventType.DownloadProgress) this.progress = Math.round((event.loaded / * 100); else if (event instanceof HttpResponse) saveAs(event.body, '', type: 'application/zip', autoBom: true ); );

Second, it may not work well for some servers or files that do not provide the total size of the file being downloaded. In that case, you cannot calculate the progress percentage based on the loaded and total values. You may need to use some alternative methods such as estimating the file size or using a spinner instead of a progress bar.

Therefore, this method is suitable for more advanced and interactive downloads that require more feedback and performance. It is also more flexible and customizable than using a link with download attribute or HttpClient with responseType blob.


In this article, you learned how to download a progress bar in Angular using three different methods: using a link, using HttpClient, and using progress events. You also learned about the pros and cons of each method, and some tips and best practices for using progress bars in Angular applications.

To summarize, here is a table that compares and contrasts the three methods:




Using a link

Easy to implementNo additional code or librariesSuitable for simple and quick downloads

Limited browser supportNo control over filename or download processNo progress bar

Using HttpClient with responseType blob

More control over filename and download processMore reliable and consistentAllows progress bar with reportProgress option

Requires FileSaver.js libraryMay have memory or performance issues for large files or slow connections

Using HttpClient with reportProgress option

Allows progress bar without downloading entire file as blobMore flexible and customizableImproves performance and memory efficiency

Requires more code and logicRequires FileSaver.js libraryMay not work well for some servers or files that do not provide total size

Depending on your needs and preferences, you can choose any of these methods to download a progress bar in Angular. However, here are some general tips and best practices for using progress bars in Angular applications:

  • Use progress bars only when they are necessary and helpful. Do not use them for trivial or instant tasks that do not require any waiting or feedback.

  • Use progress bars that are consistent and compatible with your design and functionality. Make sure they are visible, clear, and accurate.

  • Use progress bars that are responsive and interactive. Update them frequently and smoothly to reflect the current status of the task or operation. Allow the users to cancel, pause, or resume the download if possible.

  • Use progress bars that are accessible and user-friendly. Provide alternative text or labels for screen readers and other assistive technologies. Use colors, shapes, and animations that are easy to understand and distinguish.

By following these tips and best practices, you can create progress bars that enhance the user experience and satisfaction of your Angular applications.


Here are some frequently asked questions about downloading a progress bar in Angular:

What are some other libraries or frameworks that can help with creating progress bars in Angular?

  • There are many libraries or frameworks that can help with creating progress bars in Angular, such as Ngx-Progressbar, Ng-Bootstrap, Angular Material, PrimeNG, etc. You can use them to create various types of progress bars with different styles and features. However, you should also consider the size, performance, compatibility, and documentation of these libraries or frameworks before using them.

How can I customize the appearance and behavior of the progress bar in Angular?

  • You can customize the appearance and behavior of the progress bar in Angular by using CSS styles, HTML attributes, Angular directives, or TypeScript properties. For example, you can change the color, width, height, border, background, animation, etc. of the progress bar using CSS styles. You can also use HTML attributes such as max, value, indeterminate, etc. to set the maximum value, current value, or mode of the progress bar. You can also use Angular directives such as ngClass, ngStyle, ngIf, ngSwitch, etc. to dynamically change the class, style, condition, or case of the progress bar. You can also use TypeScript properties such as @Input, @Output, @ViewChild, etc. to pass data, emit events, or access elements related to the progress bar.

How can I test and debug the progress bar functionality in Angular?

  • You can test and debug the progress bar functionality in Angular by using tools such as Jasmine, Karma, Protractor, Chrome DevTools, etc. You can use Jasmine to write unit tests and integration tests for your progress bar component or service. You can use Karma to run the tests in a browser and report the results. You can use Protractor to write end-to-end tests that simulate user interactions with your progress bar. You can use Chrome DevTools to inspect the elements, styles, network, console, sources, etc. of your progress bar.

How can I handle errors or failures when downloading a progress bar in Angular?

  • You can handle errors or failures when downloading a progress bar in Angular by using the catchError operator from RxJS. The catchError operator allows you to catch and handle any errors that occur during an observable stream. You can use it to log the error, display a message, retry the download, cancel the download, or perform any other action that you want.

import catchError from 'rxjs/operators'; downloadFile(url: string) this.http.get(url, responseType: 'blob', reportProgress: true ).pipe( catchError(error => console.error(error); alert('Download failed'); return throwError(error); ) ).subscribe(event => // handle event );

How can I make the progress bar accessible and user-friendly in Angular?

  • You can make the progress bar accessible and user-friendly in Angular by following some guidelines such as using semantic HTML elements, providing alternative text or labels, using appropriate colors and contrasts, using aria attributes, etc. For example, you can use the progress element or the role="progressbar" attribute to indicate that an element is a progress bar. You can also use the aria-valuemin, aria-valuemax, and aria-valuenow attributes to specify the minimum value, maximum value, and current value of the progress bar. You can also use the aria-label or aria-labelledby attributes to provide a descriptive text or label for the progress bar.

<progress value="50" max="100" aria-label="Download progress"></progress> <div role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="50" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" aria-labelledby="progress-label"></div> <p id="progress-label">Download progress</p>


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